Monday, December 10, 2007

Poore Richard’s Aphorisms for the Week of Our Lord, 10 December Two Thousand and Seven, which He must claim even though we are regaled yet again by another President of the United States saying, "What missing tapes? I don't know nuthin' 'bout no tapes. And, if I did, it wouldn't be any of your business!" (With apologies to Ben Franklin himself.)

Beware of Smiling Americans.
Poore Richard

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for people to decide evil tastes like chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles on top.
Poore Richard

No matter what you think you know, there's always more to know than what you think.
Poore Richard

Nothing succeeds like coercion.
Poore Richard

You ever had the feeling you are the skeleton in the family closet?
Poore Richard

To err is human; to forgive, in a small town, unheard of.
Poore Richard

Virtue is its own reward. A good lie, by contrast, will fetch you a fortune on the open market.
Poore Richard

The only thing worse than punctuality is someone who values it.
Poore Richard

Too much of a good thing is usually female.
Poore Richard

If you speak truthfully, you can damn sure bet there's someone on hand who'll make you wish you'd kept your big mouth shut.
Poore Richard

Who needs principles when there's Visa/Master Card?
Poore Richard

Laziness is responsible for more evil than malevolence.
Poore Richard

To one who tells the truth
We prefer a liar;
To liars go mansions,
a sinecure, we gather them a choir.
Poore Richard

Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?
Poore Richard

Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth will make you Poor.
Poore Richard

If people speak ill of you, be sure to give them a good reason.
Poore Richard

It's easier to point the finger -- once their back is turned.
Poore Richard

The greatest reward you can expect for doing good in this world is mistreatment by those who are dead certain you've done something wrong.
Poore Richard

Wishful thinking is better than not thinking at all.
Poore Richard

When you're angry, take a breath and count to ten. Then pull the trigger.
Poore Richard

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